Friday, December 21, 2007

Polyvore-ER of the Day: Jadesayshollabeyotch, so ya'll better holla

Normally I just feature a polyvore set, but this girl really deserves an extra link. I already love her sets, but now she's created a wicked cool group on in which she gives the how-to's of "dressing." A fashionista/stylist with a superb eye, Jade has now created such sets as "how to wear animal print and not look like a whore" and "how to look great this christmas and not make your grandma..."

She also offers brilliant, biting commentary on her sets, like this juicy tidbit:

These are not for the following ladies: 1. If anyone has ever told you or you'd say you have the same chest as Scarlett Johansson, Jessica Simpson, Salma Hayek, or Pamela Anderson. 2. If you fear showing any curve that might distinguish you from being older then twelve.

We loves it. (and apparently sitting Golum-like in a dark basement in front of our computer for too many hours has also made us refer to ourselves in plural. How very Perez of us.)

If you'd like to have your own personal long-distance stylist this coming season, visit her Polyvore Group.

HOW TO: Bring your summer dress into winter...

1 comment:

je suis mode said...

This Polyvore idea is so cool, and Jade totally deserves this -- her sets are fabulous, fashion-forward and witty!